Arkansas Vape Advocacy Alliance Debut

Arkansas needed a vapor advocacy group consisting of consumers and industry leaders. Arkansas Vape Advocacy Alliance was the answer.  Initially formed while looming state-level regulations threaten an industry already under attack at a national level. The AVAA is determined to bring together the vaping community as an official organization to battle the misinformation put out my public health and mainstream media. Their mission is to organize an alliance to spread awareness that vapor technology products are a successful tool for tobacco harm reduction tool and have the potential to save A Billion Lives this century according to the WHO. They are battling the FDA deeming rule and are committed to supporting HR1136 in 2017. On the state level, there continues to be anti-vape state bills filed. And at a county and city level, many are facing further restrictions. Without the community speaking up for the consumer’s right to choice of less harmful products, lawmakers will continue to do as they please unopposed. It’s easier to educate initially than to try to change something after the fact. Their hope is that every vaper will stand up to carry their own personal message of success to those that matter.

proud to vape